Dam & Barrage

Dam & Barrage

PIPL installed large number of communication towers over various geographical Locations all over India. Our Towers have been deployed in challenging geographies, hostile environmental and societal constraints.

Barrage Dams Construction

We are a leading provider of dam engineering services with a growing portfolio of projects. We’ve been engaged in the study, design and construction of major dams and barrages for over many years and have undertaken dam projects covering all forms of dam construction. A key difference between barrage and dam is that a dam is a high impervious barrier constructed across a river valley to form a deep storage reservoir. The surplus water is not allowed to flow over the dam, but it flows through the spillways provided at some level built into the dam and a barrage is a weir that has adjustable gates installed over top of it, to allow different water surface heights at different times. The water level is adjusted by operating the adjustable gates.

Anicut Constructions Contractors

Anicut is a small Dam like structure built across a river to hold back a body of water (called a reservoir) in order to prevent flooding, provide water for irrigation and storage. Over a period of time PIPL has successfully construction various anicut construction projects over various seasonal and perennial rivers and have successfully completed.

Dam & Barrage
Dam and barrage
Dam and Barrage